WORK > buildingSMART

[buildingSMART KOREA]

buildingSMART Korea has been established at 1998.  buildingSMART Korea consists of 109 members, including 66 companies and 10 associations, 31 universities as March 31, 2009. buildingSMART KOREA aims to promote research and application of BIM in the KOREA building & construction field industry. 

  • Populating buildingSMART and BIM
  • Development of applied technology on buildingSMART and BIM
  • Establishing standards and development of buildingSMART and BIM
  • Collecting of material and spread on buildingSMART and BIM
  • Education on buildingSMART and BIM
  • Exchange with various research institutions and organizations
  • Hosting BIM related conferences and events
  • Publication of 'The BIM' journal

About buildingSMART KOREA

The activities of the association will be largely focused on three main axes: practical application research, securing element technology and organizational activities. The association plans to contribute to the activation of domestic BIM through short and long-term promotion plan, and by providing various policy proposals and participating in international standard activities, we will provide a foothold for active joint response to our rapidly changing environment.

buildingSMART KOREA Activity 

BIM Awards 2020 공모

BIM AWARDS 2020 공모 공고

BIM 활성화에 기여한 단체(공공기관, 건설사, 설계사, 엔지니어링사 등) 및 개인을 발굴ㆍ시상함으로써, 한국 건설산업의 선진화 및 국제 경쟁력을 향상시키고, BIM기술의 올바른 활용 및 확산을 장려하고자 2020년도 BIM Awards를 개최합니다. 2009년부터 시작한 국내 최대의 “BIM 기술경진대회”인 BIM Awards가 한국건설기술연구원과 공동으로 주최하며 건설 산업에서 BIM을 보다 활성화하기 위하여 국토교통부 장관상을 수여합니다. 또한 우수 작품은 차기년도 bSI(buildingSMART International) Awards에 한국대표작품으로 추천 됩니다. 여러분의 많은 성원과 참여를 기대합니다.

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